Our life choices Vs the Society
During my school days, my friends would call me a storyteller. These stories that I would narrate were neither about the popular “Pride and Prejudice” nor the “Famous Five” it was all about our science books before the day of the exam. Haha yeah, I even remember describing the tale of “How light is produced” just a few minutes before entering the exam hall. When my profound memory suddenly struck this event, I felt to pen down a short story which led me to write this article. This story is about a mother and daughter combo!
One fine day, Sala came back to her hometown to stay with her parents for a couple of days.
Her mother all worried about Sala’s visit asked her, “Is there any problem in your marital life?”
Sala kept quiet and this made her mother more anxious. With a deep pensive thought, she replied,
“No, amma. Shouldn’t I come here?”
Her answer put her mother to silence even though her mother knew that something made Sala worried. She decided not to ask her anything more and give her some comfort.
Few days passed by like this with the routine of mom and daughter chit chat. During that time little did her mother know that her daughter’s life would take a twist.
One fine day, Sala received a call and she burst out. Her mother got tensed and came running to her and asked,
“Sala, please tell us what is happening. We can solve the problem and don’t keep it with you, it will make you more stressed”.
That moment without able to control herself, Sala broke into tears and said,
“Amma, I don’t want this life anymore. Please, let me be with you and appa”
Hearing this her mother got shocked.
Sala then told her mom everything that had happened and her poor mother didn’t know what to do. She tried to console her daughter and send her back.
But sooner she realized the trauma that Sala went through. The mother worrying about society didn’t know what to pick among her daughter’s life or about the societal comments and the future.
Seeing Sala getting depressed her mother augmented to take a stand for her daughter and not to worry about society. The little courage that she grabbed at that moment was great support for Sala and changed her life!
Moral: Often times societal norms or acceptance seems to place undue influence on our life decisions. One has to realize that the first basis of any life decision is to oneself. Society, after all, will place its judgment no matter what decision one takes as it is more interested in picking people apart rather than providing comfort and a solution.