Curious about how to overcome the disorder of overthinking?

Anusha panayappan
4 min readMay 20, 2020


I was a person who worried too much about the most unimportant things in my life until a few years back. There were times when I had dwelled in the past and wished I could have taken better decisions, a pure moment of regret as a result of my overthinking habit. At moments when my mind was rewinding the situation repeatedly, I started blaming others for things that had happened.

I still remember blaming my parents that I inherited this from them. Haha, those days were insane.

Are you also like me overthinking everything in your life? Do you keep worrying in every single moment that you get for yourself?

Do you believe you could overcome this? Just think for a moment. Your answer could be a positive one.

In the past few years, with a lot of life experiences, I have learned how to handle if something pops up in my mind. In this article, I would love to share the strategies that helped me overcome this disorder.

  1. Think from a broader perspective

Every time, you start thinking about something and you get lost in your thoughts, ask this question to yourself.

“Will this be of importance to me in the next 5 years?”

If you end up with a ‘No’ then, stressing about it at this minute is of no use. There were situations in my life when I kept bothering about it for a longer time. Later, when I understood this strategy, I realized the days I lost because of it.

2. You cannot control everything that is happening to you

A lot of us worry about situations that are not there in our control. I would quickly like to share this memory of mine that flashed in my mind while composing this.

A couple of years back, my family went into a financial crisis. We were in a situation to spend frugally. The only thing that was in our control was to think ahead and not get stressed about why it happened.


Try to think ahead positively instead of rewinding things that had already happened. Take smaller steps at a time, which will help you gain control of the situation. Forget and move on is something much needed in many places.

3. Avoid thinking or taking decisions when you are vulnerable


The time when you go to bed or when your upset, it is better that you avoid thinking. You could either end up overthinking and loose your precious sleep or negative thoughts creeps in.

Try to develop the habit of controlling your mind or saying, “No this is not the time for it” to yourself. Over time, you would start to notice changes in your mental health and overthinking habit diminishing.

4. Divert yourself in something that interests you

A great way to trick your mind is to focus on something that you are interested in or something that is even more serious. You end up forgetting what was troubling you.


5. Surround yourself with the right people

Spending more time with the right set of people is directly related to your mental health. Not only having the right social surrounding but also picking the right books, listening to the apt music that makes you feel better has a major role.

So, carefully analyze and choose things that you benefit and also ignore things that have the reverse effect on you.


Stressing about something all the time can keep you away from all the fun in your life. It is not necessary to carry it a life long. You can try out some of the above strategies and let me know how effective it was for you.

The above methods were something that I figured out while trying to reduce my overthinking disorder. If you have more strategies that are working for you, I would love to hear it in the comment section below. If you like my tips, do follow me for more interesting ones coming ahead.



Anusha panayappan
Anusha panayappan

Written by Anusha panayappan

Product consultant by profession | A Dancer by passion

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